Nothing is Impossible…

My name is Theresa.  My husband, Hannes, and I, together with our three children currently work as volunteers for Youth for Christ in Botswana. We are based at Mochudi.  Our testimony for which we glorify our Father is about His provision with regards to our resident permits enabling us to reside in Botswana for five years.

We are passionate about reaching the people of Botswana through our witness and work. Here is our story…

Hannes grew up in a Christian home and totally surrendered his life to Jesus Christ in 2003.  At the time he shared with God his desire to work for Him.

I grew up in a Christian home but only in 2004 I truly gave my heart to Jesus. From then on there was no turning back and a life filled with our Father’s grace and mercy commenced.

In January 2015 we joined Youth for Christ in Botswana; with our 3 children; ages 8; 6 and 2 years. Initially we had permission to stay for three months only.  Our 3 months were coming to an end which meant that we had to apply for a residence permits or leave Botswana.

We fasted and prayed and Hannes asked God that if He wanted us to stay that He will provide R10 000(7500 Pula), the cost for our family’s permits (we didn’t have any money to contribute).

An acquaintance to the regional director of Youth for Christ Botswana heard that we were doing homeschooling and were working with YFCB. What a coincidence, or rather “How amazing is our Father!”  This person(s), completely unknown to us, decided to donate the funds for our permits! Although we don’t know these people and they simply know us by what our director told them, it didn’t matter because God knows everything and everyone. All the praise to our Father!

With this testimony we want to say: ”trust God with all of your heart. He is always on time. When God opens a door; nothing or no-one can close that door.”

Theresa Rabie

If and when this Testimony has spoken into your heart, please go to the Commitment page.

One Comment:

  1. Kamogelo Letsatsi

    Praise God for His goodness, so uplifting and encouraging. May He continue amazing you guys. More grace and wisdom for the Ministry.

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