A Significant Day – 6 April

Probably an insignificant day for most, but a day of double importance and real meaning to me. Firstly our country was founded on 6 April 1652 when Jan van Riebeeck arrived at the Cape of Storms, and it became known as the Cape of Good Hope. Since 1952 with the …

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My Story of Hope and Faith

I was born in April and soon after my parents moved to a small town where I later started school. The example that my parents lived was of a loving relationship, respecting each other, showing affection, dealing with differences in a calm, respectful way, discussing and resolving issues behind closed …

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Poems by a Child of God…

A friend in Botswana, Ngoni Moeti, shared a few of her inspired poems expressing her love for God, with me. These are the personification of her close relationship with Jesus, the Living Word:   Hope you are able to read some of her insights and thoughts.

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Minke, Our Miracle Child

There is a little girl, she wears glasses and has braces. Should she take off her glasses you would notice her squint but if you should stop and look closer, you would see Jesus in her eyes – the Man from Golgotha whose wounds on the cross gave her healing! …

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