RMC Joining God

The outreach to Khekheng in Botswana calls for some feedback as God did amazing things for us as well as in the lives of the local people of the Villages we visited. I have been waiting for other team members to contribute but it seems that “Life Happens”, everybody came …

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A Humbling Experience

My trip to Botswana was a humbling experience. I decided to join the mission group to Botswana at the last minute.   I have never done this before nor have I ever been to Botswana so in a way I was excited and not sure what to expect. I wondered what …

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Grace given to me…

I was born with Achilles Tendons that were too short.  I endured specific exercises to stretch them, wore built up shoes, but eventually in Std 4 / Grade 6 had an operation to lengthen the tendons.  After three weeks in hospital and 10 weeks on crutches in plaster of Paris, …

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Retrenched but never rejected

Being obedient to Christ comes with its own challenges. Since I started my fulltime career on the Platinum Mines in 1987 I prospered by the grace of God. I earned a good salary, got regular promotions, enjoyed job satisfaction and was able to complete an Honours Degree. I always acknowledged …

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