“As for my family and me, we will serve the Lord” Joshua.24:15b
(Good News Bible)
Charles Kendall:
I was born in 1962 and raised in a Christian home. I gave my life to the Lord at the age of seven (see my testimony). I obtained a B.Com(Hons) degree and was employed in the mining industry for about 30 years. In 2004 I completed a Certificate in Theology and thereby qualified to be a lay preacher in the Methodist Church. For about 16 years I have been part of the Spirit Sound Music Ministry in the capacity of worship leader – something I loved dearly. God has worked wonders in my life and I cannot wait to share some of these testimonies through the Testimony Treasures platform.
Stephné Kendall:
My life on earth commenced in 1964. My parents were Christians and my mother is the only person that I know who diligently read through the Bible every year, for many years. She has been the best example of faithfully spending time with God daily. I completed two Honours degrees and have been a student for life, still studying and challenging myself every day. Amongst other things, I spent about 20 years as a high school teacher and Christian Counsellor and more recently as a college lecturer. Teaching is my passion. Although I am somewhat of an introvert I have served the Lord in numerous capacities and will continue to do just that. My Father in heaven has been so good to me and I will gladly share some of my testimonies with you.
Charles and Stephne Kendall met as students at the Rand Afrikaans University in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1982, got married in 1986 and were later blessed with two beautiful daughters, Aimée and Andrea. During 2016 Aimee got married to Reon and Andrea got married to Matthew, therefor the family is now blessed with two lovely, talented sons too. On 27 June 2018 Reon & Aimee further blessed the family with a first grandson, Hugo. On 16 August 2022 our first granddaughter, Ile, was born to Aimee and Reon and on 1 October 2022 a lovely second granddaughter was born to Matthew and Andrea in Canada.

Family is a blessing indeed.
Since 2010 Stephne and I have been talking about our desire to one day use our gifts, talents and skills on a full time basis to glorify our Heavenly Father. We often prayed about this knowing that God would not reject our desire. This created great excitement within me – wondering where God would lead us.
The puzzle of what, where, when, why and how began to take shape when it dawned upon us that the ideal time to quit our current careers would be at the end of 2016, and we did just that at the end of February 2017. This provided us with a target date and consequently we were able to start planning for a Ministry. The what, why and when have now been answered. The two remaining questions i.e. where and how continued to elude us.
We love travelling. God knows this! So here is the wisdom of our God. On the night of 19 September 2014 I simply could not fall asleep. At 01:37 there was a voice in my head saying: “Here is the rest of the puzzle.” The Testimony Treasures Ministry was described to me in detail. God said that he was going to send Stephne and me on a trip – we will be travelling the world, starting in Rustenburg, South Africa, visiting churches to assist and encourage fellow believers in sharing their testimonies. The mission was spelled out for me as follows (in Afrikaans, my mother tongue):
“Gaan kollekteer en publiseer
die getuienisse oor God se werke
by die mense in Sy kerke
en versprei hierdie goeie nuus, sonder perke”
When translated it says: “Go collect the testimonies of people about the work of God in their lives, publish it and spread it all over the world.”
So there it was, a complete picture of what we are meant to do. All the questions have been answered and confirmed. Now it is up to us to roll it out. To accomplish this we require your assistance. We ask humbly that you share your testimony with us, we will publish it for the world to read and for you to leave a legacy.
Simply invite us to your church or email us at: stephne.kendall@gmail.com or contact us on (+27)82 433 0018 and we will assist you from there. It is that easy.
Your testimony may change someone’s life for the better. What greater reason do you need than to be a blessing?
Testimony Treasures’ disclaimer:
This Ministry subscribes to Biblical principles. However, the views and opinions expressed in Testimonies are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of this Ministry. We strive to publish Testimonies as close as possible to the original version. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commentators on our website and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use. We reserve the right to edit, alter in any manner we see fit, or delete testimonies or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening or in violation of any laws, or otherwise unacceptable.
Majority of the pictures featured in this website are not originals taken by us. In most cases pictures that closely or loosely resemble the particular testimony are copied and pasted from various photo-sharing websites. Some photos may have been edited.