After being retrenched last year, I decided to take a step of faith and follow my dream of opening a Daycare Centre. I opened up in the beginning of this year with only one child. Soon after opening the strikes started at the Platinum mines in Rustenburg. It had a devastating effect on the Centre and for the following three months we remained caring for one child only. In our fourth month our total number of children went up to four. It was difficult to remain positive throughout this time. Family and friends offered their prayers and support. After going up for prayer at a healing service, the number of children at our Centre increased to 24. There were times when I wanted to give up, but the Lord has brought me through all these challenges and through it all I have learnt to depend on the Lord and not myself. It is with gratitude and amazement that I look back over this year and forward to the next year knowing that Mustard Seed Daycare is in God’s loving hands.
Veronica Coelho
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