Welcome to Testimony Treasures

“All Your creatures, Lord, will praise You, and all Your people will give You thanks. They will speak of the glory of your royal power and tell of your might so that everyone will know your mighty deeds and the glorious majesty of your kingdom” Psalm145: 10-12

Welcome to Testimony Treasures

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Welcome to Testimony Treasures

God still performs miracles - here's the proof!

Welcome to Testimony Treasures

Somebody needs to hear your story - please bless them.

Welcome to Testimony Treasures

Your testimony will change lives - be obedient and share it!

The purpose of this ministry is to record the work of Christ in ordinary people’s lives and to share it with the world to the glory of God.

“I assure you that whoever declares publicly that he belongs to me, the Son of Man will do the same for him before the angels of God. But whoever rejects me publicly, the Son of Man will also reject him before the angels of God.” Luke 12: 8-9

Share your faith

Share your faith
by sharing your story, giving God the glory.


We trust you will benefit from Testimony Treasures. God bless you. - Stephne & Charles

Increase your faith

Increase your faith
by learning of God's power, through these testimonies.
In modern society we seem to find it easy to work together, to play together, to celebrate together but for some reason most of us find it difficult to worship together, to pray together and to share our testimonies with others. God expects of us to share with one another the role that He plays in our lives irrespective of how big or small our encounters with Him are. There are many prominent Bible verses that refer to our responsibility to spread the good news of Christ. There is thus no argument against this “instruction” and the potential consequences of not being obedient should prompt us to immediately go tell the world of the wonder of Christ in my life.